The Power of Communication, Business Intelligence
& Data Analytics

Intel Special Reports of Barthes & Co™
  • "The basis of what is now we called Business Analytics it's in Homer or Shakespeare, not in an Excel Sheet. The Humanities, Literature, Art History, and Linguistics provide us with much more complete tools, and a better model of thought, diagnosis and exchange of references than statistical analysis."

    Fabio MurrietaCEO Barthes & Co™

Barthes & Co’s Business Intelligence Reports are our most direct tool for every project. Our entire team of analysts works together in order to offer reports tailored to the needs of our clients.
The reports are personalized, confidential, not shared, and they analyze not only the data provided by the company, but are complemented with social, political, and strategic analyzes of the region of interest.

In the case of competitor analysis, we contrast public and private data and information, account statements, among others, beyond press releases.
Each report is the result of an exhaustive, multidisciplinary investigation and ends with a non-contractual recommendation, which can expedite strategic decision-making regarding investments, new lines or business opportunities.

The Keys to a Good Intelligence Analysis

At Barthes & Co we place greater value on our team of Senior Analysts, but we also take advantage of our AI ( Artificial Intelligence ) tools to contrast and compare our recommendations and consider all kinds of alternatives.
Depending on the sector analyzed, our reports can be long, medium or short term.
In any case, even despite the success of a report or recommendation, we follow up on the issue and send regular updates that we think may be relevant to the client.


Range Time


Advantages of Special Business Analytics Reports

Our Business Intelligence Reports are the result of the combination of our BI & Data Analytics services, together with Market Studies and the search for New Business Opportunities.

Some of the advantages of contracting the Business Consulting Service, and the Intel Special Reports of Barthes & Co are the following:

  • Be able to have an external and objective vision based on data analytics.
  • Take strategic advantage over the competition.
  • A risk analysis in real time and from contrasted sources.
  • Increase your ability to react to the market and highlight your difference to your customers.
  • Follow-up and monitoring of the project or analysis receiving periodic updates.

Intel Business Reports of Barthes & Co™ | Andorra  |  A Smart Country in Technology and Innovation

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