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New Business Opportunities

Search for New Business Opportunities

One of the keys to the growth of a company lies not only in its ability to adapt to the environment, but also in the constant search for new markets and Business Opportunities. In such a volatile and changing market, sometimes a new product line alone can save a company’s year.

New business opportunities also allow you to learn about new technologies and innovate in sensitive areas to increase your productivity and profit.

At Barthes & Co we are constantly studying New Business Opportunities, since it is not only about investing, but about obtaining financial resources, knowledge of the market, product quality and the social and political environment.

Business Opportunities & HeadHunting

As part of our business Consulting services, and the search for New Business Opportunities, Barthes & Co carries out an exhaustive study and defines the managerial profiles requested for each position in the organization.

In this case, at Barthes & Co we identify the best professionals, not only by analyzing databases and their profiles and public networks, but through our direct interaction with them.

The difficulty of Headhunting is that the identification of talent from senior management profiles, and especially those with a level of specialization, usually maintain discreet activity on the networks, which can sometimes make their detection difficult.

Return on New Business & Customer Perceived Value

For 8 out of 10 business leaders, investing in existing businesses or creating new businesses is a priority, even in uncertain scenarios.

A new type of customer has emerged that rewards risk and an attitude of innovation compared to traditional brands. In this case, the client gives importance to the product, but also seeks, identifies with, and shares the value of living the entrepreneurial experience.

There are numerous studies and surveys that show that the increase in profits of many companies comes precisely from investment or the creation of new businesses. Also, the value at the brand and image level of the income from new businesses can double the value of the traditional brand.


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